Uranborg Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata is an anime series that tells the story of a young boy named Uran who is raised by a dragon. Uran is a kind and gentle soul, and he loves his dragon father very much. However, when Uran's father is killed by a group of hunters, Uran is left to fend for himself.
Uran travels the world, searching for a way to avenge his father's death. Along the way, he meets a variety of interesting characters, including a talking cat, a wise old man, and a beautiful princess. Uran also learns about the history of dragons, and he comes to understand that they are not the monsters that he had always thought they were.
Eventually, Uran finds the hunters who killed his father, and he defeats them in battle. He then returns to his home, where he is reunited with his dragon father. Uran and his father live happily ever after, and Uran continues to fight for the rights of dragons everywhere.
Uranborg Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata is a heartwarming and inspiring story about love, loss, and redemption. It is a story about the power of friendship, the importance of family, and the strength of the human spirit.