Osamu Wakabayashi is a high school student who lives in a small town in Japan. He is a normal teenager, with brown hair and brown eyes. He has a crush on a girl named Yohko, but he is too shy to talk to her.
One day, Osamu is walking home from school when he sees a strange creature. The creature attacks him, but Osamu is saved by Yohko, who is a devil hunter. Yohko tells Osamu that he is the only one who can defeat the creatures, and she asks him to join her on her quest.
Osamu is reluctant at first, but he eventually agrees to help Yohko. He learns that he has the power to transform into a powerful warrior, and he uses this power to fight the creatures. Osamu and Yohko travel to different parts of Japan, and they face many challenges along the way. They eventually defeat the creatures, and Osamu and Yohko become friends.
Osamu's story is a story of courage, friendship, and self-discovery. He learns that he is capable of more than he ever thought possible, and he finds the strength to face his fears and protect those he loves.