Clovis is a character from the anime and light novel series Absolute Duo. He is a first-year student at Kouryou Academy, and is a member of the Absolute Duo club. Clovis is a tall, blonde-haired boy with blue eyes. He is a skilled swordsman, and is known for his quick reflexes and sharp blade. Clovis is also a bit of a playboy, and is often seen flirting with girls. However, he is also a loyal friend, and is always willing to help those in need.
Clovis's backstory is a bit of a mystery. He is said to have come from a wealthy family, but he left home at a young age to pursue a career in swordsmanship. He is also said to have a dark past, but the details of his past are unknown.
Despite his mysterious past, Clovis is a likable character. He is kind, loyal, and brave. He is also a skilled swordsman, and is a valuable asset to the Absolute Duo club. Clovis is a complex character, and his backstory is only one part of what makes him so interesting.