Jomatsu Youkai is a green-haired youkai who lives in the forest. He is a very mischievous youkai, and he loves to play tricks on people. He is also very clever, and he is always coming up with new ways to play tricks. One day, Jomatsu Youkai decided to play a trick on the Morose Mononokean. He disguised himself as a human and went to the Mononokean, pretending to be a customer. He then asked the Morose Mononokean to help him get rid of a youkai that was bothering him. The Morose Mononokean agreed to help, and he went to the forest to find the youkai. However, when he got to the forest, he found that the youkai was actually Jomatsu Youkai! Jomatsu Youkai had tricked the Morose Mononokean, and he had a good laugh at his expense. The Morose Mononokean was not amused, and he vowed to get revenge on Jomatsu Youkai. However, Jomatsu Youkai is a very clever youkai, and he is always one step ahead of the Morose Mononokean. He has never been caught, and he always manages to escape from the Morose Mononokean's traps.