The Windy
The Windy Cardcaptor Sakura is a magical girl anime series created by CLAMP. It is the sequel to the original Cardcaptor Sakura series and follows the adventures of Sakura Kinomoto as she continues to collect the Clow Cards. The series premiered in Japan on TV Asahi on April 7, 2000, and ran for 26 episodes. It was later licensed for English-language release by ADV Films, who released it on DVD and VHS in North America.
The Windy Cardcaptor Sakura is set one year after the events of the original series. Sakura has now become a full-fledged Cardcaptor, and she is tasked with collecting the remaining Clow Cards that were scattered after the defeat of the evil wizard Clow Reed. However, Sakura soon finds herself facing a new threat: a mysterious force that is trying to steal the cards from her.
With the help of her friends, Sakura must find a way to stop this new threat and protect the Clow Cards. But as she does, she begins to learn more about the cards' true power, and about her own destiny.
The Windy Cardcaptor Sakura is a fun and exciting anime series that is sure to appeal to fans of the