Susamaru is a demon from the anime series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. She is a member of the Twelve Kizuki, the upper ranks of the Twelve Demon Moons. Susamaru is a small, childlike demon with multicolored hair and a mischievous personality. She is known for her unconventional weapon, a pair of temari balls that she can control with her mind. Susamaru is a dangerous opponent, but she is also a tragic figure. She was once a human girl who was transformed into a demon by Muzan Kibutsuji. Susamaru is still haunted by the memories of her human life, and she longs to find a way to return to it.
Susamaru's story is one of loss, pain, and redemption. She is a complex and fascinating character, and she is sure to leave a lasting impression on fans of Demon Slayer.