Naomi Sawamura is a young woman with freckles and brown hair. She is a fan of the anime Detective Conan, and she is especially interested in the character of Shinichi Kudo. One day, Naomi is watching an episode of Detective Conan when she sees Shinichi Kudo being attacked by a mysterious villain. Naomi is shocked and horrified, and she wants to help Shinichi. However, she does not know how.
The next day, Naomi goes to school and sees Shinichi Kudo. She is surprised to see that he is alive and well. Shinichi tells Naomi that he was not actually attacked by a villain. He was actually attacked by a friend of his, who was playing a prank on him. Naomi is relieved to hear that Shinichi is okay, and she is glad that she was able to help him.
Naomi continues to watch Detective Conan, and she becomes more and more interested in the character of Shinichi Kudo. She starts to imagine herself as Shinichi's partner, and she dreams of solving mysteries with him. One day, Naomi decides to write a letter to Shinichi Kudo. In her letter, she tells Shinichi about her dreams of becoming a detective. She also tells Shinichi about her freckles and brown hair.
Shinichi Kudo receives Naomi's letter, and