Rito FUWA Renai Shimasen ka?,,, is a romantic comedy anime series that follows the story of Rito Yuuki, a high school student who is accidentally kissed by a mysterious girl named Lala Satalin Deviluke. Lala is the princess of the Deviluke Empire, an alien race of powerful beings. After the kiss, Lala becomes engaged to Rito, much to his dismay.
Rito is forced to deal with the challenges of being engaged to a princess from another world, while also trying to maintain his normal life. He must also contend with the other girls who are attracted to him, including his childhood friend Haruna Sairenji and the alien girl Momo Deviluke.
Rito FUWA Renai Shimasen ka?,,, is a fun and lighthearted anime series that is perfect for fans of romantic comedies. The show is full of humor, heart, and plenty of ecchi fanservice.