Once upon a time, in a small town nestled in the mountains, there lived five childhood friends - Ryuuji, Minori, Taiga, Kitamura, and Ami. They were inseparable and spent most of their time together, playing games, exploring the town, and getting into all sorts of mischief. One day, they decided to enter a baking contest and create the perfect chocolate chip cookie. After countless attempts and countless failed batches, they finally nailed it and won the contest. From that day on, chocolate chip cookies became their favorite snack, and they would always have a bag on hand to share with each other. As they grew older, they went their separate ways, attending different schools and universities, but they never lost touch with each other. They would always make time to catch up and reminisce about their childhood adventures. Now, they're all back in their hometown, attending the same school, and rekindling their friendship. They may tease each other and poke fun at each other's quirks, but they know that they'll always have each other's backs, no matter what.