Sam COIN is a young anime protagonist with brown hair and goggles. He lives in the fictional town of Ozma, where he attends the local school and hangs out with his friends. Sam is a kind and caring person, but he also has a strong sense of justice and will fight for what he believes in. He is also a skilled fighter, and he uses his skills to protect his friends and the people of Ozma.
One day, Sam is walking home from school when he sees a group of bullies picking on a smaller child. Sam knows that he has to do something, so he steps in and tells the bullies to leave the child alone. The bullies are surprised by Sam's courage, and they start to attack him. Sam fights back, but he is outnumbered and outmatched. Just when it seems like the bullies are going to win, Sam's friends arrive and help him fight them off.
The bullies run away, and the child is safe. Sam and his friends are heroes, and they are celebrated by the people of Ozma. Sam knows that he has found his calling, and he vows to use his skills to protect the innocent and fight for justice.
Sam COIN is a true hero, and he is an