Kaworu Nagisa is a mysterious and enigmatic character who appears in the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. He is a teenager with grey hair and blue eyes, and he is initially presented as a kind and gentle soul. However, it is later revealed that he is actually a powerful and dangerous being.
Kaworu is a clone of Adam, the first Angel, and he was created by the organization Seele in order to initiate the Third Impact. He is also the pilot of the Evangelion Unit-02, and he is one of the most powerful Evangelion pilots in the series.
Kaworu's relationship with Shinji Ikari, the protagonist of Neon Genesis Evangelion, is complex and fraught. On the one hand, Kaworu is drawn to Shinji and cares for him deeply. On the other hand, he is also willing to use Shinji to achieve his own goals.
Kaworu's ultimate fate is tragic. He is killed by SEELE in order to prevent him from initiating the Third Impact. However, his death has a profound impact on Shinji, and it helps him to come to terms with his own feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Kaworu Nagisa is a complex and fascinating character who has left a lasting impression on fans of