Daichi Miyahara is a high school student who lives in Sakurasou, an infamous dorm for problem students. He is a quiet and reserved person, but he is also kind and helpful. He is friends with the other residents of Sakurasou, including Sorata Kanda, a boy who is also a high school student and the protagonist of the story.
Daichi is a good friend to Sorata, and he is always there for him when he needs someone to talk to. He is also a good listener, and he is always willing to help Sorata with his problems.
Daichi is a good student, and he is always working hard to improve his grades. He is also a good athlete, and he enjoys playing sports.
Daichi is a good person, and he is always trying to do the right thing. He is a good friend, a good student, and a good athlete. He is a role model for other students, and he is an inspiration to everyone who knows him.