Campari Jing: King of Bandits - Seventh Heaven is a Japanese anime television series produced by Studio Pierrot and directed by Takashi Watanabe. It is the third installment in the Jing: King of Bandits anime franchise. The series aired on TV Tokyo from April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005, and was followed by an original video animation (OVA) series titled Jing: King of Bandits - Seventh Heaven OVA, which was released on DVD from December 22, 2004 to March 25, 2005.
The story takes place in a world where bandits are the heroes and the government is the enemy. Jing is a young bandit who dreams of becoming the greatest bandit in the world. He sets out on a journey with his friends, the princess Farah and the thief Kurogane, to find the legendary treasure of the Seventh Heaven. Along the way, they must face many challenges, including the evil government and the powerful Seven Warlords.
Campari Jing: King of Bandits - Seventh Heaven is a fun and exciting anime series that is perfect for fans of action and adventure. The characters are likable and the story is engaging, and the animation is