Trowa PHOBOS is a fictional character in the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. He is a member of the Gundam pilots known as the "Five Gundam Boys". Trowa is a skilled pilot and a cold and calculating individual. He is often seen wearing a black cloak and sunglasses, and his Gundam, the Gundam Heavyarms, is armed with a variety of heavy weapons.
Trowa was born on the colony of Side 3, and he was orphaned at a young age. He was taken in by a group of thieves and assassins, and he learned to fight and survive on the streets. When he was 15 years old, he was recruited by Zechs Merquise to join the Gundam pilots. Trowa initially refused to join, but he eventually agreed after Zechs threatened to kill his friends.
Trowa is a skilled pilot and a deadly assassin. He is often seen wearing a black cloak and sunglasses, and his Gundam, the Gundam Heavyarms, is armed with a variety of heavy weapons. Trowa is a cold and calculating individual, and he often does not show emotion. He is also very loyal to his friends, and he will do whatever it takes to protect them.
Trowa is a complex and interesting