Pdora Tentai Senshi Sunred is a Japanese anime series created by Toei Animation. It is the sequel to the 1992 anime series Tentai Senshi Sunred. The series aired on TV Tokyo from April 6, 2005 to March 29, 2006.
The story is set in the year 2025, five years after the events of the first series. The world is now at peace, and the Sunred Squadron has disbanded. However, a new threat emerges in the form of the Dark Sunred Squadron, led by the evil Dr. Dark Red. The Sunred Squadron is reformed to stop Dr. Dark Red and his plans for world domination.
The series follows the adventures of the Sunred Squadron as they battle the Dark Sunred Squadron. Along the way, they must also deal with their own personal problems, such as relationships, school, and work.
Pdora Tentai Senshi Sunred is a fun and exciting anime series that is sure to please fans of the original series. The characters are likable and relatable, the story is engaging, and the action is non-stop. If you are a fan of anime, then Pdora Tentai