Rayearth is a 1994 anime series created by CLAMP. The story follows three girls who are transported to the magical world of Cephiro, where they must become the legendary Magic Knights and save the world from the evil Emperor Zagato.
The girls are Hikaru Shidou, a tomboyish and athletic girl who wields the power of fire; Umi Ryuuzaki, a serious and disciplined girl who wields the power of water; and Fuu Hououji, a kind and gentle girl who wields the power of wind.
Together, the girls must face many challenges as they battle Zagato's forces and try to save Cephiro. They must learn to work together and use their powers to their full potential if they want to succeed.
Along the way, they meet many allies, including the prince of Cephiro, Clef, and the mysterious knight, Kurogane. They also face many enemies, including Zagato's generals, the Four Dragons of Cephiro.
The girls eventually succeed in defeating Zagato and saving Cephiro. However, they must say goodbye to their new friends and return to their own world.
Rayearth is a classic anime series that is full of