Kazuha Toyama is a high school student who lives in Osaka, Japan. She is a member of the Detective Boys, a group of young detectives who solve mysteries together. Kazuha is a skilled detective and is often the one who comes up with the solutions to the mysteries. She is also a very kind and caring person, and is always willing to help others.
One day, Kazuha is walking home from school when she sees a young boy being bullied. She quickly intervenes and helps the boy to safety. The boy's name is Shinichi Kudo, and he is a famous detective. Shinichi is grateful to Kazuha for helping him, and he asks her to join him in his detective work. Kazuha agrees, and the two of them become partners.
Kazuha and Shinichi solve many mysteries together, and they become close friends. However, one day, Shinichi is attacked by a mysterious organization and is turned into a child. He takes on the alias of Conan Edogawa and continues to solve mysteries with Kazuha's help.
Kazuha is a loyal and dedicated friend, and she is always willing to help Shinichi. She is also a skilled detective, and she is often the one who comes up with the solutions to the mysteries.