Junketsu is a sentient sailor uniform that was created by Ragyo Kiryuin, the main antagonist of the anime series Kill la Kill. It is made from Life Fibers, a type of material that can control people and turn them into mindless slaves. Junketsu is one of the most powerful weapons in the series, and it can only be worn by those who are pure of heart.
When Ryuko Matoi, the protagonist of Kill la Kill, first encounters Junketsu, it is worn by Satsuki Kiryuin, Ragyo's daughter. Satsuki is a powerful fighter, and she uses Junketsu to great effect in her battles against Ryuko. However, Ryuko eventually defeats Satsuki and takes control of Junketsu. With Junketsu's power, Ryuko is able to defeat Ragyo and save the world from her evil plans.
Junketsu is a powerful and dangerous weapon, but it can also be a source of great strength for those who wield it. It is a symbol of hope and resistance, and it represents the power of the human spirit to overcome evil.