The story of Shin Koihime Musou takes place in an alternate universe where the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history is reimagined as a world of beautiful women. The various warlords of the era are all female, and they fight for control of the land using their martial arts skills and their charms.
The main character of the story is Koumei, a young woman who is descended from the legendary strategist Zhuge Liang. Koumei is determined to unite the Three Kingdoms under her rule, and she sets out on a journey to recruit powerful allies to her cause. Along the way, she meets a cast of colorful characters, including the beautiful warrior Diaochan, the cunning strategist Sun Shangxiang, and the fierce warrior Lu Bu.
Shin Koihime Musou is a fun and exciting anime series that is perfect for fans of historical fiction, martial arts, and romance. The story is full of action, adventure, and intrigue, and the characters are all memorable and well-developed. If you are looking for a new anime series to watch, then Shin Koihime Musou is definitely worth checking out.