Sumiji Kuroyama is a Japanese anime director who has worked on a number of popular series, including "Act-Age" and "The Promised Neverland." He is known for his unique directing style, which often features a lot of action and suspense. Kuroyama is also known for his attention to detail, and his work is often praised for its high production values.
One of Kuroyama's most notable works is "Act-Age," a sports anime about a high school girl who dreams of becoming a professional actress. The series is full of high-stakes drama and intense action sequences, and Kuroyama's direction helps to bring the story to life. He also did a great job of capturing the emotions of the characters, and the series is often praised for its emotional impact.
Another one of Kuroyama's notable works is "The Promised Neverland," a horror anime about a group of children who escape from an orphanage where they are being raised to be eaten by demons. The series is full of suspense and horror, and Kuroyama's direction helps to create a truly terrifying atmosphere. He also does a great job of developing the characters, and the series is often praised for its strong cast.
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