Hibiki Tachibana is a high school student who lives in the city of Tokyo. She is a normal girl with a normal life, until she is attacked by a Noise, a mysterious creature that feeds on negative emotions. Hibiki is saved by a magical girl named Tsubasa Kazanari, who tells her that she is the only one who can defeat the Noise. Hibiki is reluctant to accept her destiny, but she eventually agrees to help Tsubasa.
Hibiki and Tsubasa team up to fight the Noise, and they soon become close friends. They learn that the Noise are being controlled by a mysterious organization called Gjallahorn, and they set out to stop them. Along the way, Hibiki and Tsubasa learn more about themselves and their powers, and they grow into strong and powerful magical girls.
Hibiki Tachibana is a complex and well-developed character. She is brave, kind, and compassionate, but she is also flawed and makes mistakes. She is a relatable character who is easy to root for. Hibiki's story is one of friendship, courage, and self-discovery. It is a story that will resonate with fans of anime and magical girls alike.