Character Portrayed: Michael Emerson
Benjamin Linus, also known as Henry Gale, is a complex and enigmatic character on the ABC television series Lost. He is the leader of a group of island natives called the Others, and he is initially known to the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 as a friendly man who is stranded on the island with them. However, it is later revealed that Ben is actually a ruthless and manipulative man who is willing to do whatever it takes to protect the island and its secrets.
Ben's character is explored in depth through flashbacks and episodes set in other time periods. We learn about his childhood, his rise to power, and his complex relationship with the island. Ben is a deeply flawed character, but he is also a fascinating and compelling one. He is a villain, but he is also a victim. He is a man who is trying to do the right thing, but he is also a man who is trapped by his own past.
Ben Linus is a truly unforgettable character. He is one of the most complex and well-developed characters on television, and he is a major reason why Lost is such a beloved show.