Kokuoh is a black-haired horse who is the loyal companion of Kenshiro, the protagonist of the anime series Fist of the North Star. He is a powerful and intelligent animal who is always willing to help Kenshiro in his fight against evil.
Kokuoh was born in a small village in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of the year 2000. He was raised by a kind and gentle farmer who taught him how to be strong and brave. When the farmer was killed by a group of bandits, Kokuoh was left to fend for himself. He wandered the wasteland for many years, searching for a purpose in life.
One day, Kokuoh came across Kenshiro, who was fighting a group of bandits. Kokuoh immediately recognized Kenshiro as a strong and righteous person, and he decided to join him on his journey. Kokuoh has been Kenshiro's loyal companion ever since, and he has helped him to save countless lives.
Kokuoh is a powerful and intelligent animal who is always willing to help Kenshiro in his fight against evil. He is a true friend and a valuable ally.