Misuzu Takahashi is a nurse who works at a hospital in the anime series "Iya na Kao Sarenagara Opantsu Misete Moraitai." She is a kind and caring person who is always willing to help her patients. She is also very beautiful, and her patients often find themselves attracted to her. However, Misuzu is very shy and does not like to show her face. She wears a hat and a surgical mask to cover her face, and she only takes them off when she is alone in her room. One day, a new patient named Keisuke arrives at the hospital. Keisuke is a very handsome man, and Misuzu is immediately attracted to him. However, she is too shy to talk to him. One day, Keisuke accidentally sees Misuzu without her hat and mask. He is shocked by how beautiful she is, and he asks her out on a date. Misuzu is hesitant at first, but she eventually agrees to go out with him. On their date, Keisuke learns more about Misuzu and her shyness. He also learns that she is a very kind and caring person. Keisuke eventually falls in love with Misuzu, and she falls in love with him too. They eventually get married, and they have a happy life