Jun Minegishi is a middle school student who lives in the small town of Shioshishio. He is a quiet and shy boy who is not very good at making friends. However, he is very kind and caring, and he always tries to help others.
One day, Jun meets a mysterious girl named Manaka Mukaido. Manaka is a new student at Jun's school, and she is also a selkie. Selkies are creatures that can transform between human and seal form. Manaka is the only selkie in Shioshishio, and she is struggling to adjust to her new life in the human world.
Jun and Manaka become friends, and they help each other through their difficult times. Jun helps Manaka to learn about the human world, and Manaka helps Jun to learn about the selkie world. Together, they learn to accept each other for who they are, and they find a place where they belong.
Jun is a kind and caring boy who is always willing to help others. He is a good friend to Manaka, and he helps her to adjust to her new life in the human world. Jun is also a brave boy, and he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes