The story begins with a young boy named Kitaro who lives in a small village with his father, a medicine man. Kitaro is a strange boy, with green skin and the ability to see ghosts. One day, Kitaro's father is killed by a group of demons, and Kitaro vows to avenge his death. He sets out on a journey to find the demons who killed his father and to protect the people of his village from them.
Along the way, Kitaro meets a variety of other characters, including a talking cat named Neko, a kappa named Mana, and a young girl named Shiori. Together, they face many challenges, including evil demons, powerful sorcerers, and even the Grim Reaper himself. But Kitaro is always ready to fight for what's right, and he never gives up hope.
Betobeto GeGeGe no Kitarou is a classic anime series that has been enjoyed by fans for generations. It's a story about friendship, courage, and the power of good over evil. If you're looking for an anime that will entertain you and make you think, then Betobeto GeGeGe no Kitarou is the perfect choice for you.