Yuukyou RYO
Yuukyou RYO Hoshin Engi is an anime series that tells the story of a young boy named Hoshin, who is chosen by the gods to be the savior of the world. Hoshin is tasked with collecting the eight magical treasures that are scattered across the land and using them to defeat the evil demon lord, Hao. Along the way, Hoshin meets a group of friends who help him on his quest, including the beautiful princess, Tamahome, the powerful warrior, Genjo Sanzo, and the wise monk, Miroku. Together, they must face many challenges and overcome many obstacles in order to save the world from Hao's evil clutches.
The story of Yuukyou RYO Hoshin Engi is full of action, adventure, and excitement. It is a classic anime series that is sure to please fans of all ages.