Rena Ryuuguu is a high school student who lives in Hinamizawa, a small village in Japan. She is a kind and caring person, but she also has a dark side. She is often haunted by nightmares and has a verbal tic where she says "higurashi".
One day, Rena's friend, Keiichi Maebara, moves to Hinamizawa. Keiichi is a cheerful and outgoing boy, and he quickly becomes friends with Rena and the other students in their class. However, Keiichi soon begins to notice that something is wrong with Hinamizawa. The villagers are secretive and hostile, and there are strange rumors about the town.
Keiichi eventually learns the truth about Hinamizawa. The town is cursed, and every year, a group of villagers are killed in a ritual sacrifice. Rena is one of the participants in the ritual, and she is slowly being corrupted by the curse.
Keiichi tries to stop the ritual, but he is too late. Rena kills him and the other villagers, and the curse is renewed.
Rena Ryuuguu is a tragic character. She is a victim of the curse of Hinamizawa, and she is ultimately unable to escape its dark hold