Okumura Soredemo Kamawanai,,, is an anime series that follows the story of a young boy named Okumura who is cursed with the ability to see ghosts. Okumura is a normal boy who lives with his parents and his younger sister. He goes to school and hangs out with his friends. However, Okumura's life is changed when he meets a ghost named Yuuko. Yuuko is a beautiful girl who is trapped in the human world. She needs Okumura's help to find a way to return to the spirit world. Okumura agrees to help Yuuko, and the two of them embark on an adventure that will change their lives forever.
Okumura Soredemo Kamawanai,,, is a comedy anime series that is full of humor, suspense, and heart. The characters are likable and relatable, and the story is engaging and fun to watch. If you are looking for an anime series that will make you laugh, cry, and think, then Okumura Soredemo Kamawanai,,, is the perfect choice for you.