Genki Horiguchi is a young boy who lives in a small town in Japan. He is a kind and gentle soul, but he is also very shy. One day, Genki is walking home from school when he sees a group of bullies picking on a smaller child. Genki knows that he should do something, but he is afraid of the bullies. However, he takes a deep breath and walks over to them.
Genki tells the bullies to stop picking on the smaller child. The bullies are surprised by Genki's courage, and they start to laugh at him. However, Genki does not back down. He stands up to the bullies, and eventually, they leave the smaller child alone.
The smaller child is grateful to Genki for helping him, and he asks Genki if he would like to be his friend. Genki is happy to make a new friend, and the two of them become inseparable.
Genki learns that it is important to stand up for what is right, even if it is scary. He also learns that true friendship is about more than just having fun together. It is about being there for each other, no matter what.