Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Maria who lived in a small village in Portugal. She was known for her delicious cooking and her ability to speak multiple languages. One day, a wealthy businessman from the United States visited the village and fell in love with Maria's cooking. He offered her a job as his personal chef, and she eagerly accepted. Maria moved to America and began working for the businessman, who was impressed with her skills and her ability to speak Portuguese. However, Maria soon discovered that her new employer was not as kind as she had hoped. He was often dissatisfied with her cooking and would yell at her when he didn't like something. Maria tried her best to please him, but it was never enough. One day, after a particularly difficult day in the kitchen, Maria snapped. She yelled at her employer and told him that she was done with his constant dissatisfaction. She packed her bags and left, determined to find a new job where she would be appreciated for her skills. As she walked down the street, she saw a sign for a Portuguese restaurant and decided to apply for a job. The owner was impressed with Maria's