Iwami Katappashi Kara Zenbu Koi,,, is a Japanese anime series that aired in 2017. The story follows the life of a young woman named Iwami Katappashi, who is a high school student. She is a very shy and introverted person, and she has never had a boyfriend. However, one day, she meets a handsome and popular boy named Zenbu Koi, and she immediately falls in love with him. Zenbu Koi is also interested in Iwami, but he is too shy to approach her.
The two of them start to spend more and more time together, and they eventually start dating. However, their relationship is not without its challenges. Iwami is still very shy, and she has a hard time expressing her feelings to Zenbu. Zenbu, on the other hand, is not used to being in a relationship, and he sometimes makes mistakes.
Despite the challenges, Iwami and Zenbu's love for each other grows stronger. They learn to overcome their differences and to communicate with each other. In the end, they find happiness together.
Iwami Katappashi Kara Zenbu Koi,,, is a heartwarming and romantic story about two young people who find love in the