Lee Eul is an adult who is still haunted by the events of Annarasumanara, an anime that he watched as a child. In the anime, a magician named Lee Eul visits a small town and performs magic for the children. However, he is eventually revealed to be a fraud, and he leaves the town in disgrace.
Lee Eul is now a grown man, but he still remembers the magic that Lee Eul performed in the anime. He believes that magic is real, and he dreams of one day becoming a magician himself. However, he is afraid to pursue his dream because he is afraid of being rejected.
One day, Lee Eul meets a young girl named Yoon Ah-yi. Yoon Ah-yi is a lonely and troubled girl, and she is drawn to Lee Eul's kindness and his belief in magic. Lee Eul begins to teach Yoon Ah-yi about magic, and she begins to believe in herself and her own potential.
With Yoon Ah-yi's help, Lee Eul finally overcomes his fear and pursues his dream of becoming a magician. He performs magic for the children in the town, and they are amazed by his skills. Lee Eul finally finds happiness and fulfillment in his life, thanks to Yoon Ah-yi