Enjouji Kiyoku, Yamashiku, Modokashiku.,,, is an anime series that follows the story of a group of friends who are trying to find their way in the world. The series is full of humor, heart, and excitement, and it will keep you entertained from start to finish.
The story begins with the main character, Enjouji Kiyoku, who is a high school student who is trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life. He is friends with a group of other students who are also trying to find their way, and together they go on a journey of self-discovery.
The series follows the friends as they navigate the challenges of high school, including relationships, school work, and family issues. They also learn about themselves and what they want out of life. Along the way, they have a lot of fun and make some great memories.
Enjouji Kiyoku, Yamashiku, Modokashiku.,,, is a heartwarming and funny series that will appeal to fans of all ages. It is a story about friendship, family, and finding your way in the world.