The story begins with a young boy named Sawanoi who lives in a small village. He is a kind and gentle boy, but he is also very shy. One day, Sawanoi is walking in the forest when he comes across a beautiful girl. The girl is named Sakura, and she is a princess from a faraway land. Sakura is lost, and she asks Sawanoi for help. Sawanoi agrees to help Sakura, and they set off on a journey together.
Along the way, Sawanoi and Sakura learn a lot about each other. They learn that they have a lot in common, and they quickly become friends. They also learn that they are both very brave, and they are willing to help each other through anything.
Eventually, Sawanoi and Sakura reach Sakura's home. Sakura is reunited with her family, and she is very happy to be home. Sawanoi is sad to see Sakura go, but he knows that she will be safe with her family.
Sawanoi returns to his village, and he is welcomed as a hero. He has helped a princess, and he has made a new friend. Sawanoi is happy to be home, and he is excited to start